July 27, 2024

Lower Grade Pupil Survives Electrocution Incident

Grade Four Nursing his wounds after being electrocuted (Photo/ By The COAST Reporter)

By The COAST Reporter

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

A Grade Four pupil was electrocuted by a falling electricity pole in Ganze Constituency of Kilifi County almost a week ago is now getting on well.

Kennedy Kalume Iha, 12, was on his way home from Bamba Primary School when the incident happened.

He was rushed to Kilifi County Referral Hospital where he is receiving treatment after the 4:30 pm incident

His father, Karisa Iha, said his son was in the company of other schoolmates when he was struck by the falling power pole.

“For some months, the power pole has been gradually going down with its live wires hanging loosely at reach.”

On reaching the spot, some of his schoolmates saw the pole coming down and raised alarm but unfortunately, the victim ran towards the falling pole.

He was struck badly on his left hand and some parts of his body, according to an eye witness who declined to be named.

Reached for comments, the police said they were informed of the incident and rushed to the scene, picked the boy and rushed him to Bamba Health Centre where he was referred to the County Referral Hospital.

Saying his child was a bright boy, Iha expressed fears his performance may deteriorate because of the electrocution injuries.

“This is very painful to me as a parent. My Kennedy was a consistent results-oriented performer, but over a week’s absence from school will negatively impact on him.”

He claimed Mariakani Kenya Power branch officers were yet to respond and communicate despite being informed over the incident.

“I am calling upon the government to take action against Kpower for justice to prevail because since the accident happened the government agency has remained silent.”

At the County referral hospital, Dr Charles Chasaro said the boy’s condition was improving well since his admission after being transferred there from Bamba.

According to the doctor the boy suffered about 20 per cent burns on his body.

“We received the child when he was in bad shape. He was not able to talk but now he has improved, he can now respond to questions,” the doctor said.

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