March 6, 2025

Aga Khan Distributes PPEs to Boost Anti-Covid Campaign

CEO AKDN Mombasa cluster and Aga Khan Mr Syed Sohail (Photo By/ Kahonzi kaliwa)

By Kahonzi Kaliwa


Aga Khan Development Network  Mombasa (AKDN ) intends to distribute PPEs and e-learning equipment worth Ksh 12 in coastal counties .

The program aim is strengthen responses to the health, social and economic challenges since covid -19 cases have risen in most counties lately.   

The organization has already handed over 8,500 PPEs  and e-learning equipments to Kwale county government.

Mr syed Sohail, the CEO of the AKDN Mombasa cluster and Aga Khan health Services Kenya says the two-year  project funded by European Union aims to support nine county hospitals in coast region.

He said over 650 health workers would benefit from the program in serving 140,000 people.

The CEO added that spread of the pandemic  in the recent months across the country has weakened existing health systems in the counties.

“If covid -19 is not checked it’s long -term  social and economic effects on the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in keny could be devastating ,” Mr Sohail said.

 Head of projects Aga khan Hospital Mombasa Aquinius Mung’atia (Photo By Kahonzi Kaliwa)

EU benefiaries

Mr. Sohail said  the multi- country grant EUR 9.3 million would benefit four countries in eastern  Africa  including Kenya ,Mozambique ,Tanzania and Uganda.

Mr Sohail challenged county leaderships to consider harnessing ICT to improve health services in public hospitals.

 ICT manager  at Aga Khan hospital Mombasa James Ojwang said the technology will easen communication among health workers in different counties.

He added that Aga Khan Development Network in partnership with other partners have come up mobile app “ corona check “ for self assessment on covid-19.

Mr Ojwang said: “This app can be  downloaded  by anybody with a smart phone ,and when you are suspicious of contacting covid virus  this application will assist you answer a number of questions and give your results. 

“If positive, you will be guided to see a doctor.”

He sought accountability on the part of the beneficiary institutions.

Kwale county health executive officer Mr Francis Gwama assured Agakhan Hospital management  that the equipment will be used as planned for the benefit of health care workers as well as the community.

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