July 27, 2024

COVID-19: Remain Steadfast in Combating Corona, Clergy Urged

St Claret Catholic Church Kiembeni Priest Rev Father Vincent Alicho attending a Holy Mass on Sunday. Image: PETER KOMBE

Email: thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com
Church leaders have been urged to remain steadfast in ensuring health directives are adhered to in a bid to combat the spread of dreadful coronavirus amongst Kenyans.

Speaking in Mombasa, Kiembeni Catholic Priest Father Rev Vincent Alicho wants clergymen to be at the forefront in abiding by the government directives to ensure all Kenyans remain safe of the COVID-19 pandemic
He reiterated the role of the church ministers play in informing and educating their masses on the importance of adhering to the set rules.
Alicho further notes that the fight against the COVID-19 requires a multifaceted approach.
“Everyone has a role to play, not politicians’ not church members and not the government. As the clergy we play a bigger role in ensuring that our congregants are corona free.
He revealed that the church has adhered to all the requirements to ensure that faithfuls sanitize and wash their hands as many times as possible as long as they are within the church premise.
Rev Alicho points out that the church is cognizant of the fact that health being a necessity remains a cornerstone for every church member.
“We have done what it takes to ensure that our faithfuls are safe. We have put marks in the whole church where members can sit so that we do not have close contact with each other,” he said.

Sanitization taps at the entrance of the church where faithfuls wash hands before getting into the church premises. Image: PETER KOMBE

The catholic clergy attributes the low number of deaths recorded to the measures the government has put in place to ensure that Kenyans stay free from the disease.
As a way of ensuring the safety of church members, Father Alicho says the church has a special medical committee tasked with that mandate.
Meanwhile, Vikwatani Living Church Baptist assistant pastor Joseph Katana applauded the government on the efforts taken to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
He wants both Muslim and Christian faithfuls to adhere to the set out guidelines.
“We have not been attending church services for the past three months, now that we are back we have to follow all the directives issued by government,”

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