July 27, 2024

USPK Launch Membership Recruitment

USPK Secretary General Naomi Cidi and National Chairman Matano Chengo when they kicked off membership recruitment exercise in Kilifi (Photo The COAST Reporter)

By The COAST Reporter

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

Umoja Summit Party of Kenya USPK has launched a vigorous campaign to recruit new members ahead of the 2022General Elections.

According to the secretary general Naomi Cidi the party wants to entrench its ideologies to all parts of the country and to achieve so it needs more dedicated members who will be ready to take up the task.

Speaking when she launched the recruitment exercise in Kilifi early this week the Secretary General also stressed that all branches would be operational by the end of the month so as to enable members of the society to register easily at home.

“We are launching this membership recruitment drive here in Kilifi today but it’s done simultaneously in all our branches because we want to recruit as many members as possible,” Cidi said.

Flanked by the party National Chairman Matano Chengo the duo reiterated that the party will indeed field a presidential candidate come 2022.

They said plans to search for one are in high gear and soon they will unveil their flag bearer.

‘So far we have received several names either seconded to us by various organizations or individuals who want to have a change in the kind of politics that are being experienced in the country,’ said the chairman.


However, Matano said they won’t disclose the names of those who have been proposed for the position till the exercise comes to a close sometime this year.

National Chairman Matano Chengo (Second Right) flanked by SG Naomi Cidi handing over membership certificate to a USPK Council Member Reuben Tsuma (First Right Photo/Courtesy)

“I want to assure all those who have been proposing names to us on who should be the flag bearer that we will not pre-empty what you suggested to us until all the procedures are well covered,” he added

The chairman also said he’s receiving very encouraging feedback as names are being proposed from across the country.

USPK Secretary General Naomi Cidi signing membership Certificates at the Kilifi office (Photo/The COAST Reporter)

“At first I was worried whether we were going to receive potential aspirants for the position but believe me we’ve received names of big political personalities who are showing great interest in joining our party” he noted.

Meanwhile USPK Mombasa branch has announced to replace office bearers who seem not to be reading from the same script.

The branch chairman Juma Mwarome says some members seem to be weighing which way to go and are non-committal to the party aspirations and soon will be replaced with vibrant members who are willing to forge ahead. ‘there are those members whom we are not sure of their allegiance to the party and what we shall do right as from next week is to replace them with other loyal members so that we can move with one pace just like in other branches across the country,’ said Mwarome.


USPK has been in the frontline championing for the Coast unity of purpose and many have seen the party as the alternative choice should anything go the other way round in their political cocoons.

USPK Kilifi Branch Chair Birya Menza receives his membership certficate from the National team (Photo/The COAST Reporter)

Of late efforts to rejuvenate the long serving Party KADU Asili are said to be in a high gear as some sitting MPs have already shown interest in its revival.

Kilifi North Mp Owen Baya who was elected on an Orange Democratic Movement ODM has been caught several times by a section of the media saying Coast region will have its own political party come 2022 and all indications are he could be behind the revival of KADU Asili.

Earlier efforts by USPK to merge all other Coastal parties and rally behind one political party failed to bear fruit as many of the players preferred to have their cards under the table.

Shirikisho Party of Kenya, Uzalendo Party of Kenya is just among the parties that have their roots from the Coast region.

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