July 27, 2024

MP Nassir’s Petition on Dockers Wages Sails through

Dockworkers union Secretary General Simon Sang addressing Journalists at Kenya Ports Authority Entrance flanked by other member (Photo By The Coast reporter)

By The Coast Reporter

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.con

The Dock Workers Union (DWU) is aerated after the National Assembly resolved that the Kenya Ports Authority implement the stalled Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Union.

The CBA had been halted by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).

However, the National Assembly Committee on Labour and Social Welfare has decided that the STC need to review its position and approve the two-year CBA between the DWU and KPA.

DWU General Secretary Simon Sang said the National Assembly’s recommendation is going to pave the way for further negotiations for the 2022/2023 CBA.

On Thursday, the Labour Committee, led by Mwea MP Kibinga Wachira, presented its report and recommendations before the floor of the house.

Fact finding

The committee had visited Mombasa in August on a fact finding mission on the stalemate, following a petition brought to parliament by Mvita legislature Abdulswamad Nassir.

“The labour Committee  recommends that SRC urgently approve the two-year collective agreement to pave the way for the financial year 2022/20223 negotiations and unlock the stalemate on the payment of the employees dues negotiated for the financial 2021/2022,” said Wachira, the Chairman.

At Kipevu, Mr Sang, the DWU boss, on Friday October 22, 2021, said his members felt relieved after august house decision. He said his over members had been demoralized with the stalemate.

Early this year, the DWU and KPA signed a CBA awarding the workers a 10 per cent salary rise  spread over two years beginning 2021 to 2022.

“For the first time in many years the morale of KPA employees is at its lowest because of the port crude manner in which management has handled workers’ issues in a video manner,” Mr Sang said.

SRC role

Dockworkers demonstrating against SRC (Photo By The Coast Reporter)

Sang insisted that that the SRC had no right to stop KPA from implementing the CBA simply because KPA did not require government funds to implement it.

“Reforms at KPA should enhance performance and not touch on the wages and salaries earned by workers; this will demoralize the morale of workers,” Sang added.

On port performance, the union said it was performing poorly even below per even on  transshipment business by 2022.

They also called for the devolving of the port functions to the counties. Meanwhile, DWU has thrown its support behind Mvita MP Nassir to become the next Mombasa County Governor

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