July 27, 2024

Coast Leaders Back Raila Economic Plans

Mvita Member of Parliament Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir addressing residents of Likoni during a voter registration awareness campaign at Mrima grounds flanked by Likoni Counterpart Mishi Mboko (Photo By/Hellen Mwashumbe)

By Hellen Mwashumbe

Email, tecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

Raila Odinga’s pledge to address the cost of doing business if he becomes President has earned support of the coast leaders.

Mvita MP Mr Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir says the ideas of reducing the cost of doing business and uplifting the poor through transfer earnings of Kshs 6,000 per household are tenable.

He said many Kenyans were surviving in abject poverty including two million households.

The MP said he personally had most confidence in the ODM leader and coastals should back his presidential candidacy in the 2022 general elections.

Mr Abdulwamad was speaking in Likoni when he joined other ODM leaders in a voters registration drive.

He dismissed the much touted bottom up economic model mooted by the Deputy President William Ruto saying it had failed to work elsewhere.

He argued that the bottom-up economic model was similar to those practiced by non-state actors at the villages but had failed to spur envisaged development.

Graft issues

“We must first deal with corrupt fellows who have robbed the Kenyan coffers. They are same telling us of funny economic interventions,“ Nassir quipped.

During his recent tour of Mombasa, Raila Odinga said if elected as president he will start the economic recovery by initiating a 6000 monthly stipend to poor Kenyans which he termed “biggest social welfare program in Africa”.

The Mvita MP and his Likoni counterpart, Mishi Mboko, told their supporters at Mrima Grounds that they should not be swayed by people shedding crocodile tears.

The two leaders backed the proposal by Odinga to include at least four youth as cabinet ministers in his government should he win the next year polls.

Mombasa County ODM leaders during a voter Registration awareness campaign stop -over in Likoni sub county (Photo By Hellen Mwashumbe)

“Raila is the only person who can liberate the Coast from the yolk of historical land injustices, enforced disappearance and other economic marginalization,” said Nassir.

Poor youth

Mboko said UDA was out to incite a class war by perpetuating a false hope to the vulnerable that they can prosper without those Kenyans who have made it in life.

”I have several youth groups in Likoni who do poultry and they have not been able to break even. They cannot buy helicopters like the chief hustler,” she said.

She said Coast will remain an ODM stronghold as Raila Odinga had always stood with the region.

Mombasa Senator, Mohamed Faki said that ODM remains the ideal party of choice for many owing to its democratic stand.

Mombasa Women Rep, Ms Asha Mohamed urged youths aged 18 years and above to register as voters and enroll as ODM members.

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