October 22, 2024

Misuse Public Funds at Your Own Risk Mung’aro Warns

Kilifi County Governor Addressing the Media (Photo/ The COAST Camera man)

By The COAST Reporter

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

Kilifi County employees engaging in mismanagement or misappropriation of public resources will be dealt with according to the County’s rules and regulations apart from the laws of the land.

Governor Gideon Mung’aro, speaking at the presentation of rewards and certificates to over 100 traffic marshals at his residence in Kilifi town, said his administration will not tolerate or entertain corrupt staff out to enrich themselves against delivering services to Kilifians.

“My government will be frugal in the use of resources entrusted to us. We will go for value of the money and not otherwise, and it is for this reason that I want to categorically state that we will not entertain mismanagement of public resources by a few individuals.”

This comes in the wake of reports that some county public vehicles had been spotted packed at a drinking joints at Mtwapa town.

Accompanied by Kilifi South MP Ken Chonga and his Ganze counterpart Kenneth Kazungu and MCAs, Mung’aro warned that he would not compromise his manifesto to unscrupulous individuals within his government.

“I will not sit down and watch anybody plunder or taint the image of this county when l’m in the driving seat.”

He put the “rogue” on notice that their days are numbered if they failed to toy the line by disengaging themselves to malpractices that threatened his development agendas for the people of Kilifi.

“We must all develop a positive mindset that will ensure this County scales new heights of service delivery attitude and development achievements for benefit of our people.”

The governor told the employees to avoid indulging in corruption activities using his government as the avenue to riches with a quick-buck mentality would be a fatal mistake.

“The perception that working in a county government is synonymous with making money is gone. It will not be walking zone in my government. Kilifi County should be a destination for investment. So, let’s put efforts together into attracting investors.”

He warned that anyone found soliciting for any form of bribe will be interdicted immediately.

The governor launched two transport inspectorate branded vehicles aimed at ensuring compliance with the law and other regulations in the transport sector.

Legislator Chonga urged the County marshals to go an extra mile in executing their work through constantly engaging the people to improve service delivery to the best of their abilities.

“Kindly know that you are call to duty. Whenever there is a problem don’t hesitate to seek consultation. We need to take Kilifi milestones higher in development.”

The MP said the upgrading of Mtwapa and Mariakani towns to municipalities required the marshals to up their game and knowledge so as to execute orders properly.

“This force is necessary to the upgrading of Mtwapa and Mariakani towns as municipalities, thus, giving them new status from the previous one.”

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