July 27, 2024

ASA International to Distribute Wheelchairs to PWDs

One of the beneficiaries of the wheechair (Photo alfread Kazungu)

Alfred Kazungu

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

A credit firm has launched a wheelchair distribution program meant to benefit people living with disabilities.

ASA International chief executive officer Mr AKM Sazzal Hossain said they have rolled out the distribution of wheelchairs to the needy in Mombasa, Kwale and Kilifi counties.

This, he said, would greatly  improve  productivity among families.

“We are 10 months old in Coast, and we have noted that mobility is critical to enhance productivity and hence distributed the first 38 wheelchairs to the needy.

“We want to improve mobility and enable families work,” said Hossain.

Hossain distributed the first batch of the wheelchairs at a ceremony held at ASA international offices in Nyali,  Mombasa County.

ASA International chief executive officer Mr AKM Sazzal Hossain with Relatives and the beneficiaries of wheel chair (Photo Alfred Kazungu)

Most beneficiaries are children who will use the wheelchairs to attend school and other chores.

He said the firm that lends funds to women held eye and dental clinics in the Rift Valley and Nairobi and distributed desks, chairs and books in Kisumu to support communities.

Ms Fatuma Salim from Mazeras in Kwale county expressed relief that her son Master Ngome Molu, 15, who crawls had received a mobility aid after many years of carrying him to hospital and other places.

“We have had challenges as a family carrying my son whenever he goes to places such as hospital. He has always been on his knees. Now it will be easier pushing him around in a wheelchair,” she said.

Ms Alice Kasyoka from Changamwe in Mombasa County said she was relieved that her 13-year-old son Master Ngomo Katiwa had received a wheelchair after the first one was broken.

“It has been difficult taking my son out because he is paralysed. It will now be easier for the family to manage his condition and get time for other chores,” she said.

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