July 27, 2024

Let’s Build Strong Seafarers Union

Seafarers ship in deep sea Photo/ Courtesy

By Andrew Mwangura

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

SUK has a lot of weaknesses and the leaders and members too we’ve a lot of weaknesses.

But remaining in SUK and learning from our experience theoretically and practically we will manage to build a strong and independent trade union.

Building a strong trade union is a big challenge.

In fact,when doing so mistakes are bound to be made and sometimes inevitable mistakes. 

Yet,Marxism Leninsm teaches us that we must not refuse to face the challenge of building a strong labor movement for fear of making mistakes that are sometimes inevitable.

What we must fear is to fear to join or belong to SUK.

We must fear to learn our mistakes and to repeat the mistakes we make.

What we must fear more is to refuse to learn from others and from history.

We need to belong to SUK to be able to offer a good critism on revolutionary theory and practice. In Solidarity.

Public accountability has always been critical. But now even more.

Not just as an essential element of social contract between the union and members but also in the broader framework of partnership with the international community, international transport workers’ federation,international seafarers’ welfare agencies,central organization of trade unions and the state.

There should be no space for politically motivated distortations or the pursuit of narrow personal interests by those with a say in allocation of resources, job opportunities and scholarships in maritime training and education.

Seafarers at work Photo / Courtesy

Lessons learnt from the past in Kenya show management of funds during any state emergency, can create mistrust as they are often regarded as potential sources of financial malpractice and corruption.

SUK should concertrate on preparing well organized actions eg; strikes,active non-violence marches and sit-ins protests.

Great sacrifices are called for and serious commitments must be if we are to radically salvage SUK from external intereferance and from being turned into a yellow union.

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