July 27, 2024

Kilifi Leaders Want DICECE College Elevated

Kilifi County women representative Getrude Mbeyu Mwanyanje hands over a certificate to the student President Juliet Masha at Kilifi resources center during the last graduation ceremony of the certificate course of ECDE teachers in the County. Photo By Said Bambanya)

By Said Bambanya

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

Leaders in Kilifi are calling on both the County and national governments to protect the sh 200 million resource learning center in Kilifi from imminent closure.

The institution formerly known as “Kilifi DICECE” faces closure after the government removed the certificate course in ECDE teachers by increasing the intake marks from D+ to C plain.

This has forced students with marks below C, who happen to be majority in the county, to find alternative ways in pursuing their career. 

Led by Kilifi county women representative Ms Getrude Mbeyu Mwanyanje, the leaders said the facility was built using taxpayers’ money after seeing the need for it to be in operation after the closure of such institutions in Kwale and Mombasa respectively.

The leaders said as the only remaining institution offering ECDE certificate courses, it can be changed to be Kilifi teachers training college and change its courses.

Lose to taxpayers

The leaders said such move would be better to sustain the center in operation, as its imminent closure would be a big lose to the taxpayers money.

They were speaking at Kilifi resource center, Kibarani in Kilifi town, during the 34th and the last graduation ceremony for certificate courses for ECDE teachers in Kilifi County and the republic at large.

Ms Mwanyanje said it will be regrettable for leaders to ignore the only learning institution in the area so far yet it draws students from all over the Coast region.

 “This is my baby project. I personally built this institution after seeing the need when I was the area MCA from 2013 to 2017 after several years of seeking learning accommodation at Kilifi Township and other areas for many years,” said Ms Mwanyanje.

She called on the Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha to elevate the center to a teachers training college following the recent review of entry grade for ECDE teachers from D+ to is C plain.

She was reacting to calls by the Chief Principal of the college Mr Ntondwe Walakisa for the leaders’ intervention to save the college from closure or else becomes a white elephant in the area.

MCA Pledge

The area MCA John Mwamtsi agreed with his predecessor and confirmed will table a motion in the County assembly and seek support from other members that they save the institution from being closed.

He said as leaders, they will bring on board all the stakeholders in education at the County level to save the institution and called on Ms Mwanyanje to do the same in the national assembly since the continuity of the institution is a milestone to leaders and achievement to the community.

The director ECDE Kilifi County Government Mr Donald Kahindi called on those who graduated to be innovative and change in the competitive world rather than waiting for the Ministry to reverse its stand over the intake marks if they want to further their career.

“Today is the end of certificate courses for ECDE teachers but on the other hand the opening door of diploma courses which has a higher starting salary scale for you. As pioneer students make sure you immediately enroll for the diploma course to be on the upper hand,” said Kahindi.

8:4:4 to CBC

He reminded the graduates to accept the fact that the learning system is phasing out from that of the 8-4-4 and the government is replacing it with the new curriculum of 2-6-6-3 to accept and embrace it for their positive survival in the teaching career.

Also present was the examination officer Kilifi County Mr Omar Mote who called for the graduates to be more innovative adding that today’s world will only favor those who are creative enough not those who will complain the most.

The area principal Mr Walakisa said: “If only my teachers can be employed by the County, they could teach but those that used to help me will have no other choice but be forced to go back to teaching ECDE students, leaders, the ball is in your court,” Said Walakisa.

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