July 27, 2024

Lobby Calls for Total Ban on Wildlife Trade

An Elephant with it Calf/ Photo by The COADT REporter

By The COAST Reporter

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

An international conservation lobby wants a complete end to wildlife trade.
World Animal Protection says  the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna(CITIES) to enact policies to that effect.
It says such a move would protect the African wildlife from cruelty and exploitation.
Currently, about 1.6 trillion wild animals are killed and suffer through people’s actions every year.
CITES data (2011-2015) shows that around 1.5 million live animals were traded as exotic pets and 1.2 million skins were legally exported. 
This trade also poses public health risks. About 60% of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic and more than 70% of emerging infectious diseases are thought to originate from wildlife.
Edith Kabesiime, Wildlife campaigns manager at World Animal Protection says: “The sheer magnitude of wildlife interference is not only impacting animals, but also the people and our planet. 
“Whether the trade is legal or illegal, it doesn’t matter.”
She urged CITES Secretariat and parties to pass resolutions that protect wild animals.

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