July 27, 2024

Wajir Ex-Governor says NE Region Should Back Raila

Mombasa Somali community chairman Mohamed Huri and former Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi (R) addressing the press in Mombasa after meeting a section of the Somali community living in Mombasa. (Photo By Gurcha Boru)

By Gurcha Boru

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

Former Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi has urged leaders from the Somali community to rally behind the ODM leader Raila Odinga and vote for him in the coming general elections in 2022.

He argued that uniting behind the veteran leader would help the community to tackle challenges facing them in and outside Northern Kenya region.

Abdullahi who was speaking during the annual communal meeting of the Somali Degodia community in the Coast region in Mombasa said it was time for the community to have a common national agenda and align themselves with their counterparts in the coast.

The former pioneer governor said unity, peace and tolerance among Kenyans would help build stability and progress in the country.

Former Prime ministerRaila Odinga at a function in North Eastern (Photo/Courtesy)

“Our community and the people of the coast region share common values and face similar challenges so we need to unite and speak with one voice at the national level. I believe that time has come to do so,” said Abdullahi.

Just like the people of the coast, the Degodia community for instance which mainly inhibits Wajir and parts of Mandera County has rallied behind ODM party leader Raila Odinga during the last three general elections.

Abdullahi argued that the former Prime Minister is the most suitable candidate to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“Just like the people of the coast, we have been relentless in our support for Raila Odinga in his quest to clinch power. We will back him once again and hopefully propel him to the house on the hill,” Abdullahi added.

Mombasa Somali community chairman Mohamed Huri said the community was facing various challenges despite their contribution to the social-economic progress in the region.

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