July 27, 2024

No Sound Amendments Tabled by Opposition On Finance Bill

Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana expressing a point (Photo By / Mwakwaya Raymond)

By Senator Danson Mungatana

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

The Finance Bill 2023 has sparked debate countrywide with each supporting or opposing side sticking to their viewpoints.

On the legislators’ frontier, the opposition has said it would oppose the Bill.

The Finance Bill, for your information, contains the revenue raising proposals for the government in order to run the country in the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

The government does not do business, and it can only raise money through taxation or borrowing.

The current president has said that he will avoid borrowing for budgetary support.

Subsequently, the President Ruto, through the Finance Bill, has put his taxation proposals on the table for consideration.

The opposition has not so far been able to put forward any solid, well researched proposal for revenue raising for Kenya Kwanza’s first budget financial year.

It is not logical to reject the entire Finance Bill because of opposing one clause in the Bill.

What is correct is to move amendments to the clause you oppose.

The opposition must raise above the normal condemnation and put solid proposals otherwise they are suffering from a serious failure of leadership. 

God bless Kenya.

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