February 10, 2025

STRUCTURED THOUGHTS Are the Recipe for Success in Our Lives


By Prof. Dr. Halimu Shauri 

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

Humanity, globally, is looking for success  to the extent that success is a universal good. Name all professional fields, science,  arts, Humanities, the story is the same. Name all countries of the world and you realize the chase is the same. 

Success maybe referred by different names but the bottom line is it is success. It maybe called excellence,  that why you have certain positions or people called your excellence. It may be called development in some fields, it maybe implied by winning events or sports, passing examinations and overcoming challenges and the list goes on.

There are many contributory factors to success. Every successful person organisation or country has its own ingredients to success or story to tell. Some speak of intelligence, dedication, hardwork, discipline, focus, determination, consistency, working smart, policy, strategy,  planning, excellent implementation among others. 

However, many successful individuals,  organisations and countries forget that actually success is first structured in our imagination. If you can’t visualize success in your imagination then you will not succeed. Indeed, you must be empirical in your imagination to succeed. Empiricism means you must see  the success,  smell it, feel it, hear it, and taste it in your imagination for you to be motivated to pursue it and hulla you have it: Success.

When people, organisations and even countries conceive plans, strategies, develop visions and missions, goals such as the global sustainable goals [SDGs], they are structuring success in their imaginations. Policies, frameworks, guidelines, standard operating procedures, rules, laws are all once upon time envisioned structures in human imaginations meant to foster success in themselves.

Thus, when success is structured and visualised in our imagination, then it becomes feasible to implement and achieve. Where there is no structured thoughts about what we want to achieve then the route to success is confused and diffused. Accordingly, many individuals, organisations and even countries are struggling to succeed because they have no vision of the success they are looking for.

Be it as it may, you can’t succeed when you have no structured imagination about your success. How can one succeed in nothingness of thought and imagination! Thus, failure, underdevelopment, and lack of success by individuals, organisations and even countries stems from lack of structured imagination to emperically visualise the success. They say in simply terms: 

“Seeing is believing”; and I add consequently that believing is doing and doing is success”. 

The bottom line is that you can’t do successfully what you have not conceived structurally and visualised empirically in your imagination. Thus far, success or development, stems from emperically structured imaginations.

Prof. Dr. Halimu Shauri 



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