NTSA Goes for Private Motorists Illegally Conducting PSV Services.
By Harrison Kivisu
Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com
The national transport and safety authority (NTSA) has warned private motorists against ferrying passengers and charging for public transport services (PSV) illegally during this festive season.
This comes in the wake of some private car owners taking advantage of travellers’ numbers rushing for festivities to transport the human cargo to different destinations illegally.
NTSA coast region deputy director John Parteroi said they have mounted a serious crackdown on major roads to ensure only licensed PSV operators transport passengers from one destination to another for Christmas holiday.
He warned drivers against overspending saying they had acquired speed detectors and alcoblows to rein on motorists bent on defying traffic rules.
This is in line with an ongoing media campaign targeting to sensitise motorists against overspeeding or drink-driving.
The DP noted that as the festive season approaches more road crashes were likely to increase thus the campaign targeting drivers, pedestrians, motor cyclists and all users to ensure safer roads.
On Thursday (December 19, 2024), officials from (NTSA), Likoni Police Station traffic section and representatives from the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) conducted a joint sensitization exercise on road safety to drivers and other road users at Likoni Caltex area.
NTSA officials have also confirmed they have acquired new technological devices for capturing motor vehicle speeding on major roads to avert road crashes during this end of year festivities.
BIGRS officer Vipul Patel stressed on the dangers speeding stating that they will intensify enforcement operations in Mombasa and other major roads in the Coast.
“Overspending kills. Many families have been ruined by accidents that could be avoided. We are stressing that overspeeding should be avoided at all cost. So, that safety to other road users is ensured,” he said.
The sensitization targeted drivers, passengers as key road users especially during the festive season.
Likoni Caltex stage is the main terminus where vehicles plying Mombasa-South coast route operate from.
According to NTSA by October this year Mombasa County alone recorded 28 road fatalities out of the countrywide 4,047 with majority of the cases being as a result of drunk driving, poor roads, reckless driving among other related factors.
By these figures NTSA has now embarked on comprehensive countrywide interventions among them Usalama Barabarani campaign which entails road safety sensitizations as well as compliance checks in collaboration with the National Police Service (NPS).